Coronavirus (COVID-19)

In light of the evolving global coronavirus pandemic, the team at HR Assured has created this page which is dedicated to supporting business owners and HR managers. The content on this page aims to address some sensitive issues many businesses are facing in these uncertain times. Now more than ever, we will navigate this situation together. If there are things you need from us or additional ways we can support you, please let us know.

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Q&A Webinar: Alert Level 3 Restrictions and Business
Location: Online
Time: 10.30am
Join our Head of Workplace Relations for a Covid-19 Q&A.
Hosted by Vaughan Granier
Q&A Session
Location: Online
Time: 9.30am
Join our Head of Workplace Relations for a Covid-19 Q&A.
Hosted by Vaughan Granier
Q&A Session
Location: Online
Time: 9.30am
Join our Head of Workplace Relations for a Covid-19 Q&A.
Hosted by Vaughan Granier
Employer actions during changing Alert Levels: what the employment courts are saying
There’s a distinct separation between what the Government was trying to achieve by using the Alert Levels to manage the COVID-19 crisis (with the subsequent impact that those Alert levels had on the workplace), and the application of the employment laws that govern NZ workplaces.
10 HR initiatives to connect your disconnected workforce
We’ve put together a list of HR initiatives designed to help you build culture and make your disconnected workforce more connected.
A guide to contact tracing
Contact tracing is a key component in maintaining readiness to address any new case or outbreak of COVID-19 as New Zealand moves steadily towards Alert Level 1 and towards a significant freeing up of the economy.
5-minute masterclass: how to manage independent contractors
How do we restart our economy in such a volatile climate? The best way is to get people back into employment and as quickly as possible.
Social isolation and mental health – what can employers do?
We spoke with clinical psychologist Barry Zworestine about the challenges of social isolation and working from home.
Moving back to alert level 3
A move to Level 3 is coming. The strategy for New Zealand is...
Plan for returning to level 3 Alert Status
The New Zealand Government announced today...
H&S and working from home
As an employer, you have a duty of care to provide a safe...
COVID-19: Alert Level 4 lockdown
Preparing your business for the Alert Level 4 lockdown, COVID-19
Working from home
How to survive (and thrive) when working from home
Social Distancing & Workplace Practices
The COVID-19 outbreak is likely to bring massive change to every workplace.

Have a COVID-19 question? Contact us.

Fill out the form below and we'll give you a call. If you are already a customer of HR Assured, please contact the Telephone Advisory Service.

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