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How to become an Accredited Employer

Did you know that the minimum requirements for becoming an Accredited Employer have changed? From 4 July 2022, Immigration New Zealand (INZ) enforced stricter and more comprehensive obligations for businesses seeking to employ overseas skilled migrants. The pages of this eBook explain these significant changes and what you need to be aware of when completing this process.

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Requirements, rules, and regulations

From explaining the types of accreditations to the practical and trustworthy tools your business needs to complete the process, this must-read eBook has everything you need to know about Employer Accreditation including crucial requirements, rules, and regulations.

Record-keeping and must-have policies
Demonstrating that your business has best-practice processes and record-keeping procedures and systems in place is a key requirement that INZ uses to determine whether to approve or deny accreditation. We’ve shared our knowledge in this area so you can get it right.
Know where your focus needs to be
The process of becoming an Accredited Employer can be long and intense but businesses also need to focus on key areas of employment, immigration, and business standards to meet the minimum requirements of accreditation. From online training to supporting new employees, organisations need to ensure that there are no gaps in their compliance.